
I think society retouches photos as a form of propaganda. Especially if they’re trying to sell something, they want to make you think that it will give you the best possible outcome. The results are that they have a beautiful photo that makes people want to do whatever.  But if it’s a person, it can make other people feel really bad about themselves and how they look! This can lead to, especially in girls, depression, eating and other diseases, and in severe cases: suicide. Retouching photos gives us a “model” to go off of. And people try to go off of it as much as possible even though it’s basically IMpossible! In the video, they used a ton of make-up and other things along with Photoshop to make the photo the way it looks. No one actually looks like that!

What I Have Learned About Photoshop

Three new tools in Photoshop are, The ruler tool which straightens the photo, crop tool which crops the photo, and the spot healing brush tool which allows you to clean up little bits of the picture.

Some differences that I can see between Photoshop and Illustrator are that Photoshop is more about editing pictures while in Illustrator, you make pictures. Also, in Photoshop, you have different layers that you have to maneuver through while in Illustrator, it’s just one big thing. Another difference is that in Photoshop, it’s a lot harder to edit little details than it is in Illustrator.