Field Trip Prep

Graphic Designer:

  • Usually at least bachelor of fine arts in graphic design.
  • Coroflot, Behance, Krop, Fresh Web Jobs, design:related.
  • A graphic designer is someone who specializes in graphic design. Graphic design is the art of combining pictures and text to represent someone or something. They usually do logos or advertisements.
  • I think creating images in your imagination would be the best part.
  • I think the hardest part would be dealing with demand.
  • Would you recommend the job as a graphic designer to somebody? Why?

Industrial Designer:

  • A bachelor’s degree in industrial design or a similar subject.
  • RKS, Frog, IDEO, P&G, Belkin.
  • Industrial Designers design products. They have to know what’s “in” and design things that appeal to the public. They make them practical too, not just trendy.
  • I think the best part would be designing things then watching people actually use them.
  • I think the worst part would be coming up with good ideas after a while.
  • Which job do you think is better? Graphic design or industrial design?

All About Files

I think that a file extension is the extending of a file into the Internet.

I think that .doc is a Word Document,

 .psd is a Photoshop File,

.ai is an Illustrator File,

and .jpg is a Photo File.

Vector Images

I think that a Vector Image is an image that advertises something. It draws your attention to the content of the picture. It’s colorful and eye-catching to get people interested. A Vector Image at least seems to me like a type of poster (e.g. Movie poster).